jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

Hi! Now I'm going to talk you about  Why I want to be a vet ... when I was a little little child, like five years old,  I wanted to be a veterinary.
There was always dogs and cats in my family, so I grew up taking care and loving them,  my parents taught me since I was very young to respect animal's life, taking me to educational farms and things like that.
But despite this, when I was a little older, I had many others  ''possible careers''. Psychology for example, photography , but this career is like a hobby really. I wanted to study natural resource engineering for the enviroment topic that I have always been interested, and history , but like a hobby also, not for teaching, but to gain knowledge.
The love for  wildlife made me realize that was the right choice. they are incredibles and  they not deserve all the damage we have caused, I  don't toleratethe little concern for their habitat and less the animal abuse,  so for that I want to help them.
Until now the experience in this university has been really good, I like a lot. The diversity of  people,  that is not a ''bubble university'', at less for me, and the fact that is not a cold and ugly building like the most of the faculties. I love that have so many plants and trees.

I would like to work in wildlife conservation in some place that I can help to protect some  endangered specie (Australia for example, or here in Chile also), or in small clinic animals maybe, but this is another decision that It hasn't been taken yet.

This is a wonderful career,which needs a lot of dedication and vocation! Is the best!

2 comentarios:

  1. That beautiful work, to keep the animals, I also do not think I'll stay in Chile, I like to travel.

  2. it's nice to study something that all your life like and you know you have the support of your parents
