sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

My holidays!

How forget my holidays when I was a child...  To my parents always liked meet places by their own way, so for that reason, we usually traveled around citys, beaches, natural parks and many places by our own car. That is how I met '' San pedro de Atacama'' to the age of 6 years maybe, really young. I remember we camp in a place specially for turists of all world. You could  put  your tent in the enclosure and pay for the night to outdoor or  could rent a little room, but wasn´t light there.  We went to the  '' valle de la Luna'' , the '' salar de Atacama'', etc.
I really enjoy the nature in that trip.

But like that place I met others like ''Punta de choros'' in the fourth region, and  beaches of  north of Chile. Always to the north to visit our relatives from there
For these summer holidays  I think I will not travel, it is only a month and in march our semester just ends so I'll prefer enjoy my vacations with my family and friends in Puerto Varas that I miss so much,a great option too. 
My ideal summer vacations  would be in a quiet place to the south of Chile maybe (despite I  come  from the south),  like ''Torres del Paine'', because I love conservation parks, the wildlife,  I've never been there and is a beautifull  place I think. I would like to known  the southern part of our country in general. But well if I have the oportunity to go out of Chile I would like to spend my vacations in Australia or New Zeland and travel around the whole country knowing their culture and important places! Amazing countries!

Have a nice summer!

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

A website....

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about my favourite website that is... Cuevana.
Really I don't like so much internet and websites because sometimes "catch you" . To make homeworks or to get some informations is well. However I have to admit that now there is websites to entertainment very good and Cuevana is one of them.

  This is a site to see all kind of movies and series. I use Cuevana since two years approximately, but I knew it before.
I use it to see movies only, I never have seen series of any type.
Cuevana have a lot of sections, all related to movies and series. Like for example the most viewed or popular movies. Also you can search movies and series by type, like comedy, drama, thriller, etc. It has many alternatives.

What I like of this site is the fact that you can see all the movies that you want, without have to pay and without have to go out of your home. Is very comfortable, special to a "homey day".You have to load the movie and that's it! Easy!

Usually I see movies many times at month, when I have free time like in vacations are several times, but currently I don't have so much time so I see movies like once or twice at month. I love watch movies with family or friends. And when I'm a little sad, a comedy is not a bad alternative with  friends.

Some of my favourites movies has been “Into the wild’’ and “Amelie’’. Very good movies. So I invite you to watch this movies or any movie here:     http://www.cuevana.tv/

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

Hi! Now I'm going to talk you about  Why I want to be a vet ... when I was a little little child, like five years old,  I wanted to be a veterinary.
There was always dogs and cats in my family, so I grew up taking care and loving them,  my parents taught me since I was very young to respect animal's life, taking me to educational farms and things like that.
But despite this, when I was a little older, I had many others  ''possible careers''. Psychology for example, photography , but this career is like a hobby really. I wanted to study natural resource engineering for the enviroment topic that I have always been interested, and history , but like a hobby also, not for teaching, but to gain knowledge.
The love for  wildlife made me realize that was the right choice. they are incredibles and  they not deserve all the damage we have caused, I  don't toleratethe little concern for their habitat and less the animal abuse,  so for that I want to help them.
Until now the experience in this university has been really good, I like a lot. The diversity of  people,  that is not a ''bubble university'', at less for me, and the fact that is not a cold and ugly building like the most of the faculties. I love that have so many plants and trees.

I would like to work in wildlife conservation in some place that I can help to protect some  endangered specie (Australia for example, or here in Chile also), or in small clinic animals maybe, but this is another decision that It hasn't been taken yet.

This is a wonderful career,which needs a lot of dedication and vocation! Is the best!