jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


If I have to choose a country to visit, that place probably would be Australia. what I like of this country it's their landscape and wildlife , that  althought  present a  desertic zone  in the majority of their territory, exist a great diversity of habitats, this for the extremely variable climates, wich it's makes  to be a country with a flora and fauna very special and unique in the world.

 if I can go one day, the first thing  I would do is visit the Tasmania island ( located to the south of Australia) , home of the ''tasmanian devil'' ( ''taz'' of Looney Toones is inspired in this little animal), an endangered specie and one of my favourites marsupials. And obviously another thing I would do is travel around the city visiting places like conservation parks, restaurants of tipycal food, and the cultural heritages.

 if someday it's give me the opportunity, I would like to go on with the study  to especialize in something related with wildlife conservation and then work as a veterinarian with endangered animals of Australia.
So you know..... if you want enjoy of a unique wildlife, you know where they are. Australia is the place!

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