jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Pascuala Ilabaca.

Recently I have added another type of music to my list. This is the popular music that I like it more every time. In Chile are there a lot of greatest artist of this kind of music. And one of them is  Pascuala Ilabaca.
She  is a contemporany  singer-songwriter from Valparaiso, that mix the Valparaiso music that characterized by instruments like piano and accordion, chilean popular music or the chilean folklor in general  with ethnic traditions of the world.
she born in a family very artistic so since she was a child she started to dedicate to the music. She studied Composition in the ''Universidad Católica '', but her music is product of differents experience like her thavel to the India, which took it's ethnic music.
In her principals discs we find: -Pascuala canta a Violeta (2008)
                                                     -Diablo rojo, diablo verde (2010)
                                                     -Caleidoscopio (2005 - Edición independiente)

This song is from the ''Diablo rojo, diablo verde'' album and is named like the same. Is one of my favourite songs of her.
Enjoy it.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


If I have to choose a country to visit, that place probably would be Australia. what I like of this country it's their landscape and wildlife , that  althought  present a  desertic zone  in the majority of their territory, exist a great diversity of habitats, this for the extremely variable climates, wich it's makes  to be a country with a flora and fauna very special and unique in the world.

 if I can go one day, the first thing  I would do is visit the Tasmania island ( located to the south of Australia) , home of the ''tasmanian devil'' ( ''taz'' of Looney Toones is inspired in this little animal), an endangered specie and one of my favourites marsupials. And obviously another thing I would do is travel around the city visiting places like conservation parks, restaurants of tipycal food, and the cultural heritages.

 if someday it's give me the opportunity, I would like to go on with the study  to especialize in something related with wildlife conservation and then work as a veterinarian with endangered animals of Australia.
So you know..... if you want enjoy of a unique wildlife, you know where they are. Australia is the place!

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

The Irish Wolfhound.

I can´t say that i have only one favourite dog breed. I like it all  dogs to his own way, independient  if they are of breed or not. But a long time ago i saw a documental about a breed in particular and from that moment I always wanted have one o them. This dog is the Irish Wolfhound.
This breed is from the Celtic Irland, and like his name say's, was used to wolf hunting. Currently they're still used like hunter  dogs, but is more common  to see it like accompanying dogs and protectors of the family. 
What I love about this breed is their coat that gives the appearance of a ''bearded dog''. And their big height wich can reach 80 cm or more (until their shoulder), this caracteristic makes to be a elegant and imposing dog, but at the same time  they have a sweet temperament, are very faithful, noble  and very gentle with children, in fact, in Irland is known like ''the kind giant'',  are especial for the family, so for that reasons is one of my favourite dogs, a great dog only!

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011


Claudia Sepúlveda was born in Antofagasta, nineteen years ago… there live 5 years only and then started to travel (to move house), first to Santiago and finally to Puerto Varas where she lived like ten years! Practically all her life, until now. There she studied at Colegio Germania del Verbo Divino and met to the ‘’shawas’’, her beloved group of friends,with whom she shared greats moments, to these days.

Now, she is in first year of veterinary medicine, at the Universidad de Chile ,together with her best friend of school, ''konko'' …even she wasn't sure of become a veterinarian, the love that she has always felt for animals made her realize that was the right choice to make.
 Claudia would like to join her loves for animals and the environment subject, to work in wildlife conservation in the future, or in small clinic animals.All to help animals  (: .